[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
"Algeria: Twitter Protest Against the State of Education" - Over four hours of cyber protests against the absurdly interminable tenure of Education minister Benbouzid and his ineffective policies.
"Long Delays Tainting Terrorism Trials - Courts` Refusal to Hear Key Witness Violates Due Process" - Human Rights Watch criticizes unnecessary detention and trial practices.
"Journalist Given Two-Month Sentence For Defamation In Algeria" - Imprisonment of Journalist Manseur Si Mohamed for criticizing the court system demonstrates the meretriciousness of reformed media laws.
"Welcome to Ain Zara: Life inside one of Libya’s most notorious prisons" - Despite relatively decent conditions, management of the facility and the general indefinite detainment of prisoners reveals the NTC`s inability to centralize authority.
“اتهام بالكولسة وشراء الأصوات" - Analysis of prospects for free-media development and its potential roll in elections.
“البدري الشريف المناعي : استراحة ناخب ” - Criticism of the NTC”s administrative inefficiency and legitimacy.
"Mauritania: Security Forces Break Up March, Arrest Activists" - After an initial suppressed protest, opposition members stage another demonstration in solidarity with the arrested activists.
"Differences rock salafist current in Mauritania" - Analysis of the political heterogeneity of Mauritanian Salafists
"On Morocco’s Supposed Democratic Reforms" - Criticism of the state`s limited tolerance of speech and expression.
"Morocco: Western Sahara - Realpolitik to the Rescue of Colonization" - UN and major world-power opinions on "resolving" the conflict works to legitimize the abuser`s dominance.
"حتى نفهم ما يجري في دوار الشليحات" - Security forces violently suppress farmers’ peaceful demonstration against the exploitation of their fields.
"A Symbol Kind of Monarch" - The shifting and limited legitimacy of the King`s `traditional/religious` authority.
"Moroccan youth suffer `growing pains`, survey says" - Economic and employment deficiencies force many Moroccans to delay marriage and rely protractedly on their parents` income.
"After Ben-Ali`s conviction: the state of Tunisian justice" - Absence of `command responsibility` and conflicting military and civilian jurisdiction produce hurtles for Ben-Ali era justice.
"بيان : ثورتنا ليست إشاعة – تونس" - Reflections on the sustained and varied demands of the revolution, including the need to procure the judiciary’s accountability.
“Tunisie : Et si on pensait plus au tourisme alternative?” - Exploration of the potential for ‘alternative tourism` that is both environmentally conscience and sincere to local residents.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on the Maghreb
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